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Stop Wasting Time And Start A Marketing Funnel

Apr 26

If you are looking to earn money online, then the best method to do that is to market a product.

You'll need a marketing funnel in order to sell as many of your items as you can.

A marketing funnel is a tried and tested method of capturing the highest number of visitors and get them to purchase from your company. It is all about creating an environment of curiosity, creating a connection and confidence.

If you follow this process properly, you'll slowly warm up your customers until they're eager and ready to purchase from you, and that could make a significant difference to your conversions and your earnings.

Why isn't everyone using funnels?

The problem is 90% of internet marketers aren’t doing it correctly right now.

Let's take a look at a basic scenario to illustrate why a sales funnel is so important. Imagine someone pleading with you in the street promising to buy you a watch at $5,000. There's a 99.9 percent possibility that they would refuse to buy your watch.


Because they don't know what you are talking about. They're not your money. You probably aren't in a position to make an investment in a watch... The list goes on.

This is how you are noticed if your site is all about selling, buying, selling. Your visitors don't know who you are. They're not specifically targeted.

The sales funnel can be described as a way to get people's details and increase their involvement by selling more expensive products.

Your credibility will increase as time passes and customers will be more inclined to purchase more products from you.

Then, when you attempt to sell them the course for $2,000, you'll have a chance of success.

This is a method that the sales industry has been able to recognize for decades. This is the way you market high-end items, and it's how your revenue can soar.

An online marketing funnel allows you to channel all your efforts online to an established system that can convert leads or prospects to paying customers or employees of your team. You can leverage the internet to make sure leads are interested in your content.

What would your company and day be affected if you only spent time talking to people who were pleased to be contacted? It would transform your life.

Here's the top 5 reasons why you should have an online funnel for marketing

1.Branding Your online marketing funnel is the perfect method to establish your brand - not anyone else! Marketing online should be about YOU and not your company. You can be recognized as a leader by having your own personal funnel with your name, picture and your story. This is a great way to build your reputation and it's a good idea.

2. Professionalism: Your personalized marketing funnel will help you appear professional. It is possible that you have been in marketing for over a decade or beginning your journey however it's important to make a good first impression. If someone is visiting your site they'll be impressed by the layout and speed of transitions. This creates an impression that they're committed to their work, not just an amateur.

3. Leverage - A funnel will help with time management. The funnel is able to work round all hours of the day without having to take breaks. Once you have it setup it is now your turn to work on other tasks such as creating content as well as lead generation. When you're not working, your funnel is still earning you income. Are you a virtual assistant?

4. Commissions: Now, because your funnel never stops running, leads and sales are still getting into your inbox. Commissions constitute the final step. The marketing funnel you have created will automatically bring in revenue. It doesn't matter whether you pitch something to your list. Your products and emails are meant to help them solve their problems. You already have the ability to attract new customers through your funnel, so commissions can be earned all day.

5. A satisfied buyer: If your funnel is setup properly, leads will move through your funnel seamlessly to make a purchase. They want the services you provide, and you will get what they need. Everyone's happy. Because they get exactly what they want and need and feel satisfied with their purchase. They don't suffer buyer's regrets for a few hours or days after.

For more details on the ways I'm planning my content marketing strategy, look at the following link.

For more information learn more, visit this channel for more information on digital and marketing details.